Monday, December 30, 2019

Smoking Age At Washington State - 1445 Words

Tuan Nguyen Donna Miguel English 101 3/16/2015 Smoking age to 21 in Washington State Cigarette smoking has been identified as the number one cause of preventable disease as well as, death worldwide. Today, smoking-related diseases are claiming over 4 00,000 American lives each year. Among people who smoke, 70 percent of them are teenager. Smoking harms almost every organ in the body, causing lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and chronic pulmonary diseases. As a result, researchers have found out that teenagers in Washington State start to purchase tobacco at an early age. The Washington State’s top lawyer was set to unveil legislation seeking to raise legal the smoking age from 18 to 21 (Morris). If the bill would be passed†¦show more content†¦It makes them can easily to become a smoker later. That is why, if the state will raise the smoking age to 21, people will not have a chance to try it. In fact, many municipalities across the country on the other hand have raised the smoking age to 21. For instance, in 2005, the bill was passed in Needham, M assachusetts and in 2012; the percent of smoker had dropped significantly by 50 percent. Besides that, the positive results in regards to decrease in numbers of smokers have made many cities and counties to follow the suit as well. For example, New York City, New York, Hawaii County and many others have reported a drop of 45 percent of their high school smoking rate. That is why; if the bill would be passed successfully, the percent of smoker in Washington State will be reduced. Reducing the percentage of smoker is not the main reason for raising the smoking age to 21 because researches shows that the young adult brain develops between 18 and 21, which is highly susceptible to nicotine addiction (Morris). According to Ferguson, he says, â€Å"The damage tobacco does to the lives and health of Washingtonians is devastating. Research shows that young adult brains are still developing at the age of 18 and 21, and therefore it is highly susceptible to nicotine addiction. Ferguson adds by saying, â€Å"We must do more to protect our youth from tobacco’s grip, and the bill is an important step toward keeping nicotine out

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Behavior Problems Happening On Middle School Campuses...

Abstract The discipline has always been vital for the public schools that function properly. I believe that discipline is necessary for pupils to learn and that teachers are expected to establish and maintain schools that are known well-disciplined. Parents, educators, and community members have an expectation that student’s learning should be conducted in a safe and positive school environment. There are many serious incidents happening on school campuses such as assaults, rapes, drug, and crime in general, and these behavior problems are growing every day. The data helps educators to analyze a student’s problematic behaviors, why she or he behaves like that, and how to give support to minimize negative behaviors and maximize positive behaviors. The present paper explores the behavior problems happening on middle school campuses. Part 1: Data Analysis In the given data, disciplinary actions are grouped into ten categories such as bullying, disorderly conduct, explosives, insubordination, knife, staff assault, student assault, tobacco, vandalism, and other. The total number of incidents reported in 2004-05 and 2005-06 school years is decreased 19% and almost stayed stable in 2006-07. According to the data, insubordination was the 86% of all the incidents happened in 2004-05 school year and is the highest percent in the group of negative behaviors. Half of the black male student population have demonstrated negative behavior in insubordination category in 2004-05 schoolShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 Pagesexpansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Creation and Aspects of a Product Plan Free Essays

string(33) " founded the chip brand in 1932\." INTRODUCTION Origin of the Report As we are doing Marketing Management, our course instructor Prof. Dr. Mijanur Rahman has instructed us to prepare a paper on the product plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Creation and Aspects of a Product Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Purpose †¢ To get a clear concept how to make the product plan †¢ To acquire knowledge how to make mission, vision, marketing mix etc. Limitations 1. We did not collect the current information related with our product. 2. We had to give lot of times to collect information about competitors, market situation because enough information not available. Research Methodology Secondary: †¢ Internet: www. google. com , www. ekipidia . com, Source: thedailystar. net †¢ Other: Collected information from marketing report, magazines, running newspaper. 1:00 CURRENT MARKET SITUATION Today the chips market is dominated by Potato Crackers, Mr. Twist, Meridian, Cheese Ball, Lay’s, Sun Chips and other chips. We find out that, there is no high quality chip which is suitable for children health. But we found much normal category chips. Our product quality is more high comparative to the other competitors, because our main ingredients is Mushroom which is totally new flavor a nd taste and also work against for the cancer. So it’s a big gap that we find out. Our new chips has been received a new market challenge to cope with them. At the very beginning, our sale will be low, profit will also be little. We hope that we will be able to get the first mover advantage, because there is no such product especially for children health. 1. Market Description: We know, the market means potential customers of a product or service. Bangladesh is a highly populated country. The birth rate is very high . As a result the children rate is also very high. We are not producing our product not only for children but also for teenagers, young generation. So our total target market is very large. Market demands of market will also increasing as much we can position in our customers mind. (All this figure are estimated depending on class and age to have an idea about demand on chips on this variables) This is our target market. We want to target children as well as young people of middle and higher class of people. We are not eliminating lower class people but first we want to create demand for our product then we will try to reduce our product price and serve to all class of people. 2. Product review: The product quality is more high comparative to the other competitors, because our main ingredients is Mushroom which is totally new flavor and taste and also work against for the cancer. It is suitable for children health. It is highly reached by Protein-15. 53%, Fat-20%,Saturated fat-1. 42%, Carbohidrated-2. 45%, Sugar-2. 40%, Energy-100gm, Colastrol-0%, Sodiam-. 64%, which is very much essential for specially kids and young age people. 1. 3 Price: Price levels are set for launching our product for our targeted customers. 4. Sales: We want to produce 960000 of products in our first step of production. Depending on increasing demand rate, we will increase our production rate over a month. Every year, we will increase our 10% of production. We will observe the sales and satisfaction levels of our customers through our sales representatives. Our Product will sale only in Urban and town side areas of Bangladesh, that’s why we are not distributing and sales product in rural areas because our price level is bit high. After increasing our product demand and sales, we will try to reduce our cost of production. As a result, we reduce our product price and distributed in rural areas in Bangladesh. 5. Gross margin: We have a great competition in our market. 1st year; we want to create huge demand by good quality advertisement and promotional activities to create position in our customers mind. As a result, we expected low gross margin for 1st year, it will be just cover the fixed asset. 2nd year, we will try to sale more and more and reduce the cost of goods sold. It will increase our gross margin. 1. 6 Profit: We expected earning profit within 2 years. Before that we will try to cover our fixed costs and make break even points of sales. 1. 6 Distribution review: Factory Warehouse Divisional warehouse Salesman Retailer Customer †¢ Our factory situated at Tongi in Gazipur. After producing our products it will store in our own warehouse Mirpur. †¢ From this warehouse products are distributed 6 divisions by our own transport and then storing these goods in divisional warehouse. †¢ Then our trained salesman distributes our products in the market to the retailer. And finally retailers sell it to the ultimate customer. 1. 7 Competitive Review: 1. 7. 1 Potato Crackers: Potato Crackers is a very popular snack prepared with combination of wheat, starch together with potato. It is a light, crispy snack and less oily. It has an average food value and is available with spicy tomato flavor. Ingredients: Potato Powder, Potato Starch, Wheat flour, Refined Vegetable Oil and Seasoning. 1. 7. 2 Cheese Ball: |  |Cheese Ball is an extr uded product made from corn and rice and coated with rich cheese powder. It is superb in taste and | | |something to be enjoyed all the time. | | |Ingredients: Corn, Rice, Salt, Vegetable Oil, Cheese Powder Seasoning. | 1. 7. 3 Mr. Twist: Mr. Twist is especially attractive to youngsters. This potato based snack has a certain amount of modified or native starch to give it a beautiful twisty shape and fine texture. Available with tomato paprika flavor. Ingredients: Potato Powder, Modified Potato starch, Native Potato starch, Refined Vegetable Oil and seasoning. 1. 7. 4 Meridian Chips: Meridian Chips is especially attractive to all people. Total annual sales below US$1 Million. Export percentage 1% – 10% per year. 1. 7. 5 Lay’s: Lay’s is the brand name for a number of potato chip (crisps) varieties as well as the name of the company that founded the chip brand in 1932. You read "Creation and Aspects of a Product Plan" in category "Papers" Lay’s chips have been marketed as a division of Frito-Lay, a company owned by PepsiCo since 1965. Other brands in the Frito-Lay group include Fritos, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, Rold Gold pretzels, and Sun Chips. | | | 2. 00 SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT analysis is an important tool for auditing the overall strategic position of a business and its environment. SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Opportunities and threats are external factors. For example, an opportunity could be a developing distribution channel such as the Internet, or changing consumer lifestyles that potentially increase demand for a company’s products. A threat could be a new competitor in an important existing market or a technological change that makes existing products potentially obsolete. Strength: |Weakness: | |[pic] Technological skills |[pic] New company | |[pic] Distribution channels |[pic] Absence of importer skills | |[pic] Product quality |[pic] Unreliable product | |[pic] Value delivery network |[pic] Financial problem | |Opportunity: |Threats: | |[pic] Changing customer taste |[pic] Changes in government politics | |[pic] Technological advances |[pic] Acceptance the product | |[pic] Changes in government politics |[pic] Competitor rate high | |[pic] Availability of raw materials |[pic] Strict rules and regulation | 2. 1 Strength: [pic]Without any touch of hand the product is made because of development of technological skills. [pic] There are another strength of the company is distribution channels. Our distribution channel is very strong; relation of the supplier and resellers is very strong. pic]The product quality is more high comparative to the other competitors, because our main ingredients is Mushroom which is totally new flavor and taste and also work against for the cancer. [pic]Because of our good relationship with supplier, reseller and for the good transportation facility our sale will be definitely increases. Our value delivery Network is in strong position. We are having good relationships with our suppliers for a longer period of time. 2. 2 Weakness: [pic] Although the company is new, it has not established a brand or images in the market place this is the w eakness for the product popularity. [pic] Because of the new product and company importer skills are absence here that’s why we can’t includes any internal facilities. pic] For the first time the mushroom is exit in the market that’s why people can’t properly reliable to the product quality. [pic] Financial problem is another weakness of the company like what will be the price Cost and investment. [pic] Quality of the Mushroom is not up to mark. 2. 3 Opportunity: [pic]It’s an available product but of the new version of taste and quality create a new change of the customer taste. [pic]For the technological changes and advances it’s easier to give any information and promotional activities to know the product popularity to the people. [pic]If the government changes politics then it will be easy to access the product to the market. pic]Availability of the raw materials is increasing day by day which is help to produce more products. 2. 4 Threat s: [pic]If government is increase the taxes and the political issues are not favor then it will be the threats for the company. [pic]The product may not be accepted to the people then it will be the great threats for the company. [pic]The product competitor rate is very high that’s why sometimes we are facing many competing problem, which can be a threats of the company [pic]Company establishment rules and regulation is strict that’s why sometimes to take any easy decisions are create complicated situations. Adjustment of opportunities and threat: The usefulness of SWOT analysis is not limited to profit-seeking organizations. SWOT analysis may be used in any decision-making situation when a desired objective has been defined. If the raw materials are available to the market then the cost of the raw materials will be reduced then we can produce more product in minimum price, and if the government politics are favor then the supply of the product and the transportation cost will be reduced. These products have new taste and a new ingredient which is changes the customer taste. We have to overcome the threats. If the product is not the accepted to the peoples, then we have to increase our promotional activities to attract the peoples and create more differentiations better than our competitors. 3. 0 OBJECTIVES AND ISSUES 3. 1 Financial objectives: Achieve first year total sales revenue of Tk. 48,00000, based on average price of Tk. 14 per unit. But first three month we cannot achieve any profit because in that time we invest lot of money for sales promotion campaigns, electronic trade show, provide mini pack sample to the selected customer. †¢ Produce net profits of Tk. 9,60000 next year with a target profit margin of 20 percent on total sales. †¢ Marinating a significant research and development budget. †¢ Increasing production level each month by 1 % †¢ Investing more in Cultivation Of mushrooms. †¢ Establish 3 Big factory for producing large amount of product 3. 2 Marketing Objectives: Achieve a first year unit sales volume of 1,15,20,000 which represents a projected market share of 10 percent with one type in product line. †¢ Increase second year share to 15 percent, based on sales of three types in product line. †¢ Generate 30 percent brand awareness within the consumer target market and 40 percent brand awareness within the business target market by end of next year. †¢ We want to be no. 1 Chips Company in Bangladesh. †¢ After one month, we are collecting our sales review and satisfaction level of our customers. †¢ Diversification in our product line. †¢ We want to create social value for position in customers mind. 3. 3 Issues Our new brand of chip that is Mushroom chips is completely unknown into the existing market. So, our major issue is to establish a well-regarded brand name linked to a meaningful positioning. We will have to invest heavily in marketing to create an excellent, distinctive brand image projecting innovation, quality, and value. We also must measure awareness and response so that we can adjust our marketing efforts if necessary. 4. 0 MARKETING STRATEGY 4. 1 Market segmentation: Geographic: divisions and district town side areas such as Dhaka, chittagoan, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barishal, Khulna . Dhaka – (gazipur district -town side) Demographic: Age-5-12, 12-18, 18-24, 24 to others and higher class, middle class of people. Product related: †¢ Regular customers †¢ Irregular Customers †¢ Negative customers 2. Target market: †¢ Children †¢ Young people †¢ People Middle class and higher class †¢ urban areas people 4. 3 Positioning: To children, young people, chips customers who are seeking for delicious taste with nutrition . Mushroom chips contains mushroom that gives you taste with good nutrition because it has the highest level of Protein-15. 53%, Fat-20%, Saturated fat-1. 42%, Carbohidrated-2. 45%, Sugar-2. 40%, Energy-100gm, Colastrol-0%, Sodiam-. 64% 4. 4 Differentiation: Mushrooms are good sources nutrition and this is our main ingredients. Top of Form Bottom of Form 4. 5 Marketing mix: Marketing mix consist of four basic things which is known as â€Å"four Ps†: roduct, price, place, promotion under the consideration of our product (Mushroom Chips) These four Ps are specified as 4. 5. 1 Product: The Mushroom chips, including all the features described in the product review section. The product is very healthy and a better quality compare to our competitors. Mushroom Chips (Burke) Recipe By : Cooking with David Burke Serving Size: 4 Preparation Time: 0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient — Preparation Method ——– ———— ——————————– 1 pound large white mushrooms Or Portobello mushrooms 2 cups clarified butter OR vegetable oil Coarse salt OR kosher salt — to taste Quality that we are first assure in our product. It is highly reached by Protein-15. 53%, Fat-20%,Saturated fat-1. 42%, Carbohidrated-2. 45%, Sugar-2. 40%, Energy-100gm, Colastrol-0%, Sodiam-. 64%, which is very much essential for specially kids and young age people. Each and every process of the production is done by automatic machine. Design is the factor that will often give a company its competitive edge. It is the totality of features that affect how a product looks and functions in term of customer requirements. Feature leads to the materials which are used in production for making the product. ‘ Regal industries used Mushroom powder, Mushroom starch, and Wheat flour, Refine vegetable oil, Seasoning and Potato powder for producing the chips. The top management of the Regal Industries has decided to give a brand name to new product as â€Å"Mushroom Chips†. Packaging which gives an extra attractiveness to any particular product. That’s why we also design a packet for â€Å"Mushroom Chips†. The whole packaging process will be done without any kind of hand touch in an automatic machine. 4. 5. 2 Price: â€Å"The Regal mushroom chips† will be introduced at tk. 14 wholesale and tk. 15 estimated retail price per unit. We know that the price is much higher than the other Chip present in the market but it will give a high quality. We expect to lower the price of packets within few months. Because of the first time at market the company would like to give some discount to the retailers which will make them some profit. The company is also giving some credit terms facilities to their wholesaler and retailers. 4. 5. 3 Promotion: The management of Regal Industries has budgeted tk. 1,80,000. 00 for their advertising and promotion activities for per month. As a new product in the market it needs huge amount of advertising and promotion activities to tell the consumer about the product and its features. For that reason management decide to go for more fancy advertise in Television, Radio, Billboards, and Web site and in News paper. The policy makers has decide to offer different types of popular cartoon and super hero characters stickers and tutus with per packet of Regal Mushroom chips for Childs and purchase intensive to the wholesale and retail for sell promotion. By organizing Charity concert, Open concert, Sports tournament, Reality shows etc; Regal Industries would like to build a good relation whit people in near future. 4. 5. 4 Place: At the very beginning Regal Mushroom Chips will distribute to the town area of 6 divisions across the country with companies own transport system. By considering the future demand it has planned to distribute in the whole country area. For unexpected future demand it always kept sufficient amount of inventories in its own warehouse. 4. 6 Marketing Communication Strategy: By integrating all messages in all media, we will reinforce the brand name and the main points of product differentiation. Research about media consumption patterns will help our advertising agency choose appropriate media and timing to reach prospects before and during product introduction. The agency will also coordinate public relations efforts to build the brand and support the differentiation message. To attract, retain, and motivate channel partners for a push strategy, we will use trade sales promotions and personal selling to channel partners. Until the brand has been established, our communications will encourage purchases through channel partners. Our distribution channel is quite different from other chips because our main target consumers are the upper class and upper middle class people, who are Not usually concerned about the television advertisement because they are more cautious about the product quality. 4. 7 Marketing Research: Using research, we are identifying the specific features and benefits that our target segments value. Feedback from market tests, surveys, and focus groups will help us develop the â€Å"Regal Mushroom Chips† brand. We are also measuring and analyzing customers’ attitudes toward competing brands and products. Brand awareness research will help us determine the effectiveness and efficiency of our messages and media. Finally, we will use customer satisfaction studies to gauge market reaction. 4. 8 Marketing Organization: Chief marketing officer holds overall responsibility of all the companies marketing activities. Company has also three top level manager for advertisement department , sales department and promotion department . And under sales manager company has six divisional sales manager . They are responsible for divisional sales increasing. Marketing Organization Abdur Rahman Chief Marketing Officer 5. 0 ACTION PROGRAM Our company â€Å"Regal Company† will be introduced in February 2011. Following are summaries of the action programs we will during the first three months to achieve our stated objective. January: We will initiate a Tk. 300000 trade sales promotion campaigns to educate retailers and generate excitement for the product launch in February. We will exhibit electronic trade show, provide mini pack sample to the selected customer. Our promotion manager is responsible for this work. February: We will start an integrated print, radio and media advertisement targeting consumers. This advertisement will show our products differentiation from other competitor. Advertisements also show our products feature to the ultimate customer. Our Advertisement manager is responsible for those works. March: As the multimedia campaigns continue, we will add consumer’s sales promotion techniques such as giving scratch card and lottery etc. Our sales manager is responsible for this type of sales increasing techniques. 6. 0 FINANCIALS PROJECTIONS In this section we make expected budget of sales and cost monthly and yearly. We count breakeven point unit sales. We also present our expected sales revenue and profit. Our product per unit cost is 13. 5 Tk. And wholesale price is 14 Tk. And Maximum retail price is 15 Tk. Expected Sales Budget |Division |Monthly |Yearly | | |Unit |Cartoon |Unit |Cartoon |Dhaka |5,00,000 |5,000 |60,00,000 |60,000 | |Chittagong |2,00,000 |2,000 |24,00,000 |24,000 | |Barisal |70,000 |700 |8,40,000 |8,400 | |Sylet |80,000 |800 |9,60,000 |9,600 | |Rajshai |50,000 |500 |6,00,000 |6,000 | |Khulna |60,000 |600 |7,20,000 |7,200 | |Total |9,60,000 | |1,15,20,000 | | Expected Cost Budget |Type of Cost |Monthly(TK) |Yearly(Tk. ) | |Variable |1,10,40,000 |13,24, 80,000 | |Fixed |20,00,000 |2,40,00,000 | |Total |1,30,40,000 |15,64,80,000 | Per Unit Cost Per unit Cost = (Fixed cost + Variable cost) Unit Production 2, 40, 00,000 + 13, 24, and 80,000) = 1, 15, 20,000 = 13. 5 Tk. Break-even Unit Sales (Yearly) Per Unit Sales 14 Tk. Per Unit Variable Cost 11. 5Tk Per Unit Contribution 2. 5Tk. Fixed expense Now, B E S in Unit = Per Unit Contribution 2, 40, 00,000 = 2. 5 = 96, 00,000 unit. Expected Revenue (Yearly) Sales (1, 15, 20,000* 14) 16, 12, 80,000 Variable Cost 13, 24, 80,000 Revenue 2, 88, 00,000 Expected Profit (Yearly) Revenue 2, 88, 00,000 -) Fixed expense 2, 40, 00,000 Profit 48, 00,000 7. 0 IMPLEMENTATION CONTROLS The controlling process: In the control Process, we will compare our total result with the expected things that we are mentioned. If there is mistakes then take necessary steps to control the overall process. There will be two way of controlling. One is operational control and second one is strategic control. Operational con trol: If any changes occurred to our production process, then it will be done by operational control. Strategic control: If any changes occurred into strategic plan than it will be done by strategic control. Market Audit: We will hire a market audit or researcher to evaluate our marketing plan and give advices how to improve in operational control, strategic plan, others plans. Implementation Plan: The following identifies the key activities that are critical to our marketing plan. It is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget. †¢ Online advertising, which cost BDT 50,000. †¢ Separate rack in shopping malls and the departmental stores, which costs BDT 200,000. †¢ Other advertising costs BDT 10,00,000. †¢ Event sponsorship, which costs BDT 300,000 References: 1. http://trade. coa. gov. tw/showProduct. do? isTemp=falserid=2465lang=eshowMenu=true 2. http://www. recipesource. com/fgv/vegetables/mushrooms/00/rec0053. html 3. ttp://www. malaysiabest. net/2006/03/06/snacks-mushroom-chips/ 4. http://ihor5. freeyellow. com/mushchip. html[pic][pic][pic] 5. http://banglapedia. search. com. bd/HT/M_0416. htm 6. http://www. mushroomlovers. com/Health. htm [pic] â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Md. saley uddin , Reasonal Sales manager, Chittagong Ms. Sabrina Azam, Reasonal Sales manager, Sylet. Mr. Rafique Khan, Reasonal sales manager, Rajshahi. Md. Jahidul Islam, Reasonal Sales manager, Khulna Ms. Sayla Zaman , Reasonal Sales manager, Barisal. Md. Azad, Reasonal Sales manager. Dhaka Ms. Bristi Rani Advertising Manager Md. ,Hasan Mahamud,Promotion Manager Ms. Nancy Christina Sales manager How to cite Creation and Aspects of a Product Plan, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Security in Computing free essay sample

1. Classify each of the following as a violation of confidentiality, of integrity, of availability, or of some combination thereof. a. John copies Marys homework. b. Paul crashes Lindas system. c. Carol changes the amount of Angelos check from $100 to $1,000. d. Gina forges Rogers signature on a deed. e. Rhonda registers the domain name AddisonWesley. com and refuses to let the publishing house buy or use that domain name. f. Jonah obtains Peters credit card number and has the credit card company cancel the card and replace it with another card bearing a different account number. . Henry spoofs Julies IP address to gain access to her computer. 2. Theft usually results in some kind of harm. For example, if someone steals your car, you may suffer financial loss, inconvenience (by losing your mode of transportation), and emotional upset (because of invasion of your personal property and space). We will write a custom essay sample on Security in Computing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page a. List three kinds of harm a company might experience from theft of computer equipment. b. List at least three kinds of harm a company could experience from electronic espionage or unauthorized viewing of confidential company materials. c.List at least three kinds of damage a company could suffer when the integrity of a program or company data is compromised. 3. Preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data is a restatement of the concern over interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication. How do the first three concepts relate to the last four? That is, is any of the four equivalent to one or more of the three? Is one of the three encompassed by one or more of the four? 4. Describe an example in which absolute denial of service to a user (that is, the user gets no response from the computer) is a serious problem to that user. Describe another example where 10 percent denial of service to a user (that is, the users computation progresses, but at a rate 10 percent slower than normal) is a serious problem to that user. Could access by unauthorized people to a computing system result in a 10 percent denial of service to the legitimate users? How? 5. Developers often think of software quality in terms of faults and failures. Faults are problems, such as loops that never terminate or misplaced commas in statements, that developers can see by looking at the code.Failures are problems, such as a system crash or the invocation of the wrong function, that are visible to the user. Thus, faults can exist in programs but never become failures, because the conditions under which a fault becomes a failure are never reached. How do software vulnerabilities fit into this scheme of faults and failures? Is every fault a vulnerability? Is every vulnerability a fault? 6. Consider a program that allows consumers to order products from the web. Who might want to attack the program? What types of harm might they want to cause? What kinds of vulnerabilities might they exploit to cause harm?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ask yourself these questions when deciding if you should move for a job

Ask yourself these questions when deciding if you should move for a job A job offer in a new city, state, or country can be a hugely tempting opportunity. Change of scenery! New job! New people! Excitement! But before you make this huge life decision, there are some questions to ask yourself first. Is this really what I want?A job may look like the total right fit on paper- it’s in your field, it’s more pay, it’s in a city you’ve always wanted to live in. But before you say yes, think about what this job means for your goals. Will you be able to grow in the job? How does it align with your career goals? What is your next step after this job? It can seem premature to start thinking about your next job, but if this isn’t a role where you’re going to be able to grow and evolve in your career, you’re changing an awful lot in your life to take it.How stable is this job offer?This is also a chance to do a little extra digging on your potential company’s future. If it seems like it’s on shaky ground , your awesome opportunity may turn quickly into sudden unemployment. If you can, seek out feedback from others who’ve worked there before. If you start seeing patterns like high turnover or major disgruntlement from former employees, then you might want to give some second thought to whether this is the job and the company you hope and expect it will be.How will this affect my personal life?Let’s put the career move aside for a second- what about outside of work? If you’re moving alone to this new place, are you ready for the challenges of doing a new city or town all on your own? What are your resources going to be? If you’re moving as part of a couple or a family, it’s time to consider their needs as well. Will you be happy while your spouse is miserable and unable to find a job? Will your kids need to be uprooted from friends/school/activities? Work-life balance is essential in any career, so you need to think about how your home life will be c hanged by this work move.What are the costs and the logistics of moving?If you’re accepting a new job in a new city or town, your new company may cover moving expenses, like moving trucks, car rental, temporary housing, or realtor fees. But the company might not. Before you accept and commit to moving for this new gig, be sure you’re aware of what your new company will- and won’t- cover to get you there. And it’s not just the obvious moving costs as well. Will you need to buy new furniture? What are average housing and living costs in your new place?If a move is going to cost you thousands of dollars, and this isn’t reflected in your new salary, then you’re making a huge financial commitment as well.Grabbing a new job and moving to a new place can be exhilarating, and a great jump-start to your career. But before you sign that offer letter and start packing the U-Haul, it’s important to think long and hard about whether it’s tr uly the right choice for you.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Examining auditing in the context of environmental awareness Essays

Examining auditing in the context of environmental awareness Essays Examining auditing in the context of environmental awareness Essay Examining auditing in the context of environmental awareness Essay Drumhead With the alterations in the external environment, scrutinizing alterations synchronously in the audit aims, scrutinizing techniques and audit houses. This study will give certain analysis and treatment to the hereafter development tendency in scrutinizing every bit good as the alterations in the auditing environment. First, the development history of scrutinizing will be reviewed to show how auditing response to the alterations of external environment. Second, current scrutinizing environment will be in description and the analysis will be given to the interaction between external auditing and its external environment. Last, the anticipation will be given to show in what manner scrutinizing might response to the hereafter alterations of scrutinizing environment and what scrutinizing might be like in the close to medium term hereafter. Introduction At the beginning, scrutinizing was carried out to happen out the fraud and merely the Balance Sheet is audited. The consequence was delivered to the stockholders or the proprietors of company. The technique was rather simple that the hearer checked the dealing record and history exhaustively to happen out whether there is some inaccuracy and cheating. With the development of society and economic system, the scrutinizing environment has gone through alterations which lead to the development in scrutinizing. Many alterations have emerged from audit aims to the scrutinizing method, every bit good as the component in the audit study. Consequently, this study will supply analysis to the alterations in the auditing environment. And besides anticipation on the hereafter alterations will be given following. Based on the analysis and treatment, the image will be drawn on how auditing might be like as the consequence of the interaction between scrutinizing and its external environment. During the analysis and treatment, certain related illustrations and scrutinizing theory will be used to back up the positions in the study. Research method Through the books and documents in the auditing field, several events are chosen as samples to show how the alterations in the auditing environment give rise to the alterations in scrutinizing. Based on these events, developments in the society and economic system are taken into consideration to viewed as the independent variable which causes the alterations in scrutinizing. Then the focal point displacements to the interaction between scrutinizing and its external environment. Harmonizing to the interaction mechanism, some anticipations are made on scrutinizing in the hereafter every bit good as the external environment. Discussion and Analysis The development of scrutinizing in the procedure of response to the external environment To understand the development of scrutinizing in the procedure of response to the external environment, several events are selected as samples with the standards as follows: It must catch broad attending non merely in the audit field, but besides in the economic sector ; It must give rise to some Acts of the Apostless, which regulate the auditing, or at least it accelerate the gait ; It lead to the betterment of scrutinizing mechanism every bit good as the audit rule ; Harmonizing to the standards, there are several events taken into consideration to show how auditing response to the events which reflect the great alterations in the economic environment ( Mautz and Sharaf, 1961 ) . In the development procedure of scrutinizing, assorted sorts of Acts of the Apostless have played of import functions. The Acts of the Apostless which are comparative to scrutinizing were developed by the demands of society and in bend it reinforces the order in the market environment. For illustration: Companies Act ( 2006 ) province that: More information, such as environmental affairs, the companyaa‚ ¬a„?s employee, is required to expose in the study, though it is unneeded to scrutinize such information. How auditing response to the alterations in external environment From the Table 1, it is clearly demonstrated that the event reflect the demand of alterations in scrutinizing to protect the involvement of stakeholder better. The event illustrated some defects of current scrutinizing method and called for an betterment ( Blatchford. 1989 ) . The altering advancement can besides be observed ( Anderson, 1977 ) : one dirt event shows the Defects of the auditing rules and methods the society knock the dirt every bit good as the scrutinizing field which caused the auditing field to reflect and better the authorization publishes some Acts of the Apostless to modulate the activity in the market in order to protect the involvement of stakeholders scrutinizing field follows the regulations set by authorization and set it into pattern which in bend promote the development of scrutinizing. In the procedure, society demands and completion which can be called aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"market forceaa‚ ¬A? , have played the cardinal function. Ernst A ; Young can be used as an illustration to exemplify how the scrutinizing changed ( Flint, 1988 ) : 1849 Harding A ; Pullein founded in England. Joined by Frederick Whinney 1859 Whinney made a spouse 1903 Alwin and Theodore Ernst signifier Ernst A ; Ernst in Cleveland, USA 1989 Arthur Young merges with Ernst A ; Whinney to make Ernst A ; Young 2000 Ernst A ; Young unveils a new, integrated planetary organisation Ongoing alterations from 1990s to show At present, there are some factors in external environment, which lead to some important alterations in scrutinizing. These factors are as follows: fast development in globalisation rapid publicity in Information and widely-used cyberspace ongoing development in the size and influence of companies, particularly listed companies. Audited account houses besides face different Industry environment which is in great alterations at the same clip: More Fierce competition than of all time before which is the most important character in the Industry environment Some dirts happened when scrutinizing did non response efficaciously to happen the fraud and cheating, some celebrated audit houses even corporate with the dirt companies which does great harm to the celebrity of audit houses Turning Numberss of the Lawsuit in which audit houses are required to stand more duty for the fraud and cheating Income construction has changed grandly. Nowadays, scrutinizing is non the Main Business of the history houses which depend more and more on the Consulting concern. In 1999, the confer withing income had surpassed the scrutinizing income to do up about about half of entire income in PWC. Decision What the hereafter auditing may be like Today, the intent of the audit is no longer confined to the genuineness of the fiscal statements of endeavors. With the progress of scientific discipline and engineering, the uninterrupted development of economic system and society, the increasing graduated table of concern endeavor, its concern procedure, dealing, information processing has become progressively complex, endeavors are confronting the turning hazard of all facets, such as progressively rigorous regulations and ordinances, more and more stakeholders and so on. There are some anticipations on what the auditing may be like in the hereafter as follows: In the hereafter scrutinizing might be viewed as the add-value activity which can besides manage the hazards. Risk-oriented audit attack, which makes our hearers focus more on hazard and complexness, has been widely used to look into the hazards through scrutinizing procedure ( Roussey.1996 ) ; In the hereafter scrutinizing nonsubjective might be look into the fraud and che ating which returns to its original end ( Power. 2003 ) ; In the future information engineering and the usage of cyberspace will alter the auditing everlastingly, non merely in the auditing method but besides in the auditing theory and ideas ; Because of the ferocious competition, there may be some amalgamation and acquisition between the go outing four planetary audit houses merely like what has happened before.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hauntology of Photography - The Digital Revolution Essay

Hauntology of Photography - The Digital Revolution - Essay Example He argued that it freed the west from the obsession with realism, hence allow it to regain it aesthetic autonomy. In his claim, he cited Cà ©zanne and Picasso as good examples of painters who started their career in early days of photography and started modernizing the art with its literal means of depicting the world. Bazin had previously suggested that painting was torn by two ambitions. One ambition was expressing spiritual reality where the symbol transcended its model, while the other one duplicates the outside world. Photography removed the burden of the second task from painting, though it was not better at showing the world as it was. Best oil paintings precise depictions were superior to the blurred black and white photographs of that time. In addition, he argued that the painting image shares by virtue of the process of its becoming. On the other hand, photography is a mechanical process which man plays no part. Consequently, we forced to accept that as real the existence of object reproduced (Azoulay, 2002, P 202). Through analogy, Bazin gave reference to the Turin shroud, where certain people believed it is the actual sheet in which the body of Christ was laid in the tomb, and the blood stain that dried on the sheet and outlined a human face figure on the cloth, gave a depiction of the physiognomy of Christ. Although scientific tests results showed it does not date back to the Christ time if it were what it purports to be. It would help in showing why for believers would have shared in Christ’s sacredness. In addition, the reasons its image would be contemplated with high devotion than any painting or Jesus. The reality would have been transferred to the shroud of Christ. He also argued it the plastic arts were to be done analysis; the preservation of the dead by embalming might turn out to be a fundamental factor in their creation.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Article Critique - Essay Example The mission of LEAD is to inspire students with excellent academic performance and leadership skills, and who come from different cultures, to pursue business careers. Data collection was triangulated through semi-structured interviews, field observations, and analysis of secondary documents. Analysis included initial coding, pattern coding, and creating a conceptual framework. Findings showed that the themes were: 1) rationales ranged from self-interest to altruism; 2) the rationales changed throughout time; 3) rationales differed in their level of straightforwardness; and 4) the dynamics of rationale building frequently transformed into significant programmatic differences. Siegel (2008) concluded that it is possible that the success of partnerships like LEAD relied on the interpretive work of its participants. He stressed that through their independent and collective interpretations of their rationales, they were able to work toward common goals. This article is related to public relations in education, because these educational institutions collaborated due to public relations needs, among others. Siegel (2008) discussed that organizations naturally pursued their own interests and considered their own benefits, even in collaborative circumstances (p.234). LEAD member corporations mentioned the most salient self-interested rationales, such as having access to talented minorities, pipeline expansion, the chance to generate â€Å"mind share† with a strategically significant group, attainment of market intelligence, constructive public relations, maximizing portfolio of other diversity-related efforts, and gaining a competitive advantage over rivals (Siegel, 2008, p.234). Connecting to communities and establishing public relations are some of the benefits that these organizations pursued (Siegel, 2008, p.234). In particular, the ethics of public relations concerned understanding their rationales and ensuring that their rationales will lead, neither them nor others, into harm. This article is valid, because it collects data through several measures, specifically: semi-structured interviews, field observations, and analysis of secondary documents. These diverse measures ensure that data can be validated and referenced through other sources of information. In essence, Siegel (2008) evaluated the difference between the rhetoric of rationale building and the sentiments of participants too. This article also presents convincing findings and conclusions, because the author did not overlook the interconnection between self-interests and collaboration. He did not undermine self-interest as an important factor in building collaborations and establishing public relations. This article is also relevant, because it explores the role of rationale building in forming pertinent collaborative efforts. The framing of rationales depends on how members understand their alliance and how they aim to promote their interests through this alliance. This pa per agreed with Siegel (2008) that the framing of rationales affects the tone and movement of the collaboration, because incompatible frames will inevitably obstruct commitment to goals and implementation. Indeed, the â€Å"ways in which participants conceive of and articulate their rationale, then, may have important implications for outcomes or judgments of value†

Monday, November 18, 2019

What Kinds Of Psychological Transformation AA Members Undergo Essay

What Kinds Of Psychological Transformation AA Members Undergo - Essay Example Their mysterious 12-step program is promoted as one of the most effective methods for the treatment of addiction by many professionals and researchers. Ironically, nobody knows exactly how the steps work for addiction and why the method is so life changing for its members. What will AA members experience during the AA activity? The psychological transformation among AA members may answer this question. That is why we have to look at the 12-steps closely and study how it applies to alcoholics and their inner journey from seeking help, to conquering alcoholism, to achieve sobriety. A member who completed the 12-steps program is most likely to experience the whole psychological transformation as he achieves sobriety towards the end. The 12-steps and 12 traditions are the primary tenets of AA. The 12 traditions are known as the perspective of AA. This keeps AA anonymous, non-religious and non-profit. The 12 steps can be defined as a step-by-step program for members to follow. Once a member strictly follows the first step, then he can move on and begin with the second. After he goes through all steps and understand and embodies all of the steps, he will achieve long term sobriety. When a person participates in the program, he undergoes a great transformation than will lead him to stop drinking. Those experiences include admitting powerlessness, appeal for the â€Å"higher power†, confession and a new social relationship. Although the actual success rate of AA is hard to estimate, some researchers have found realistic data to reflect how AA succeeds. Hal Arkowitz and Scott Lilienfeld, in their online article, â€Å"Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?† describe the statistic about AA. The authors cite an investigation called â€Å"Project Match†, issued in 1997 proves that AA is effective in achieving sobriety through abstinence. The experiment divided more than 900 alcoholics into three different therapies. One is mainly 12-steps program associated with a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Role of a Match Analyst

Role of a Match Analyst A professional observation was performed at Ware Football Club to critically assess the pre-game methods of research and notation, utilised by the match analyst (MA), who is employed to work with the first team. Wares first team currently competes in the Isthmian Division One North, which is seven divisions below the English Premier League. Match analysis contributes to performance in sport by helping athletes and coaches make informed choices, and has as a result, assumed a major role in the world of sport. Match analysis denotes the exploration of behavioural events which are objectively documented during competition (Carling, Williams Reilly, 2005). Its focus may be on the activeness of one particular player, or how the collection of actions of numerous players are integrated during the game. The analysis of one or both teams can be completed, as the behaviour when attacking and defending can be adapted (Carling et al, 2005). This is particularly beneficial for the match analyst as due to the nature of non-league football, full match highlights of opposition games are limited. This allows the analyst to not only gauge important information about an upcoming team, but also gain an insight into an opponent that Ware are not due to immediately play. A description of the teams tactical pattern of play may be an outcome of the analysis. Tactical analysis is the area in which the match analyst specialises in. Tactical analysis is associated with tactics and strategy. A strategy can be defined as attempting to limit the effects of any weaknesses, while making best use of the persons/teams strengths, in a plan which has been established prior to competition (ODonoghue, 2009). Match statistics and/or video footage are ways in which information can be gathered on upcoming opponents (Carling et al, 2005). Highlighted areas in which coaches could collate match statistics on include for example; the tendencies in the distribution of the opposition goalkeeper, the delivery area preference for corner kicks or whether a team utilises long throws. A scout or an observer can watch the opponents matches and collect the aforementioned data. The coaches who are shown to be more successful in taking advantage of the opponents weaknesses while neutralising their strengths are those who have been better advised about the strategy and tactics employed by upcoming opponents (Carling et al, 2005). The MA however, performs the analysis qualitatively by solely describing areas he deems need to be highlighted rather than a notational collation of match statistics. Carling, Williams Reilly (2009) suggest that this area is surprisingly overlooked within the literature, as emphasis is placed by coaches on their own teams recent performance opposed to that of upcoming opponents. However, in contrast, the setup at Ware allows the analyst to have considerable influence on match days with the data he received from analysing the opposition, particularly with set pieces and individual player instructions regarding characteristics of the opposition. Preparation wise, the analyst does organise himself sufficiently as the literature would advise (Carling et al, 2005). The analyst obtains a fixture list of all of Wares matches, which he organises so he can choose to watch a date of a fixture between a team that Ware are next due to face. Before arriving, the analyst studies information such as a predicted team line-up to familiarise himself with the opposition players. Other basic factors such as arriving to the stadium in good time and choosing an optimal observation position are also highlighted, which the analyst succeeds in professionally achieving. Notational analysis is the method in which these events are accurately and objectively recorded. In the eyes of spectators, viewpoints of matches are often conflicting. Some may differ about what happened while other viewpoints may be wholly incorrect. This is due to highly selective human perception and subconscious bias (Patton, 2002). Individuals may see the game from a partisan viewpoint and as such bring their bias to the game. It has been shown that even the best coaches fail to realise where mistakes were made or appreciate where successful plays began and often, are unable to recall sequences of events correctly (Laird Waters, 2008). If the system of analysis is adapted to the level of play with the data collection methods being reliable and objective, then notational analysis should provide a near enough factual record. The MA utilises a pen and paper based system the most commonly employed (Carling et al, 2005) and includes a limited form of shorthand notation featuring a ction codes and tally marks. Once the game has begun, the analyst does not proceed to take any notes within the first 20 minutes, as he feels that it is more beneficial if he can focus solely on the development of the game. The theory behind this is that critical events and distinctive portions of a competition such as exceptional performances and controversial decisions are often easily remembered by coaches and spectators, while non-critical events are likely to be forgotten (Hughes Franks, 2015). This is both inaccurate and unreliable as a subjective observation process, even for experienced football coaches who have been shown to recall a mere 59.2% of critical events that occur over the course a 45-minute half (Laird Waters, 2008). This inexact ability to recall critical events can lead to a distortion of the coachs perception of performance by events they can remember also referred to as highlighting (Hughes Bartlett, 2008). This form of highlighting, can cause an inaccurate viewpoint of the game in total, particularly when coupled with a personal bias and the emotions of the observer (Hughes Franks, 2004). Summaries of studies involving eyewitness statements of crime can provide some explanations of inaccuracies which may be relevant to the subjective observation of competitive performance (Maslovat Franks, 2008). These explanations revolved around errors in attentional focus, observer bias and an increase in arousal level. Ultimately this lack of accuracy has a knock on effect within both decision making and coaching feedback. This can be improved by utilising video data, which provides unbiased, comprehensive and objective information (James, 2006; Hughes Bartlett, 2008). Furthermore, using a combination of computer and video technologies enable coaches to use functions such as slow-motion and replay which results in a reviewable, retrievable and unbiased analysis of individual and team performance (Lee, 2011). Areas of strengths and weaknesses can then be highlighted based on the selected performance indicators, providing an exhaustive representation of what can be anticipated in forthcoming matches (Carling et al, 2005). In training, these formulated strategies can then be worked on and analysed by the coach. The usefulness of trying out some of these performance aspects (such as using different formations utilising short corner kicks) and behavioural aspects (attitude and commitment) can be evaluated by the teams, and influence team selection (Carling et al, 2005). A performance indicator (PI) is defined as representing some relevant and important aspect of play (ODonoghue, 2009). PIs have been widely used within a coaching context (Hughes et al, 2012) and the academic literature (McGarry, ODonoghue Sampaio, 2013). As football is such a dynamic and multi-faceted sport, it has become very difficult to objectively and universally define PIs. As such, PIs of importance will differ from one coach to another (Hughes et al, 2012). Within these academic (Mackenzie Cushion, 2012, Hughes et al 2012) and practical (Wright, Atkins Jones, 2012; Wright, Carling Collins, 2014) areas of interest there has been a development of the expression Key Performance Indicators (KPI). These KPIs are judged to be more narrowly associated with success for teams or individuals than basic PIs (Wright et al, 2014). Although the PIs and KPIs used by the analyst appear to be mainly in line with the literature, such as aerial strength, tackling ability, reading the game and pressing for central defenders for example (Carling, 2005), there is also an emphasis placed by the analyst on the range of passing in this position. This is an interesting KPI which does not seem to be consistent with what would be expected of this particular position in the literature (Hughes et al, 2012; Carling, 2005). One reason may be that because the analyst has experience in the non-league, if a central defender can play accurate long balls it is a perceived as a good offensive tool for the opposition due to the more direct nature of non-league football in comparison to professional football. It has been shown that analysts and coaches may use the term KPI, to characterise a feature of their playing philosophy/strategy that they perceive as central to their success (Wright et al 2012; Wright et al 2014). As aforementioned, the analyst should devise a quantitative notational system adapted to that standard of play. Utilising straightforward analyses (conversion rates and simple frequency counts) helps to supply a snapshot of performance as a whole, and is of the highest significance to working match analysts within an elite setting (Carling, Wright, Nelson Bradley, 2013). This will eliminate the various issues surrounding the current subjective nature of the analysis. This should begin on the commencement of the game, instead of after 20 minutes where a considerable amount of data is already lost. In addition, combining video and computer technologies enables post-event analysis to produce unbiased, reviewable and retrievable analysis of team and individual performances. PIs should be discussed with the coach and while these can vary from coach to coach (Hughes et al, 2012) it is important not to deviate too much away from the norms.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Welcome, everyone. I believe, that as father of the bride, it is my dubious privilege to make the first speech, so, here's one I prepared earlier. I would like to start by saying what a pleasure it is to welcome, on this very happy occasion all relatives and friends of both families. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank especially my wife for not only being tolerant but more importantly an outstanding mother and the guiding influence in the upbringing of our daughter, culminating in today's celebrations. To the reverend, our thanks for officiating at the ceremony, and to his "boss† for keeping the weather at bay. Before I ask you to join me in a toast to the bride and groom. I'd like to bore you with a few words. I will try to keep them short. as I know that the other speakers are really looking forward to standing here before you and making their speeches! Nine months ago Nicola phoned and asked me what I was doing on Saturday, 23 March. As she knows that I always play golf on a Saturday, I thought she had taken up the game ...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Globalization Argumentative Paper Essay

Globalization is term that is being deemed as something new on this planet in the world of business. Truth be told, globalization has been going on for centuries and centuries. Business trade done with other countries and regions of the world occurred and has spawned exploration and commerce from the time Europeans traveled to Asia for spices, South America for various ores of metal, and Africa for diamonds. Globalization is not new, however what is new is the technology and rapidness of communications with the information age, e-commerce, low cost manufacturing, and availability of trade. Globalization in essence has opened a broad spectrum of an interconnected and interdependent world with trade of goods, services and even capital on an international level. One would think that with all the war and strife in the world globally, having commerce to bring countries together would be a positive thing. In a general sense, it does. At the heels of a global economic recovery, most attention is focused on the immediate for the layman or common citizen anywhere in the world. â€Å"How can I feed my family and pay my bills?,† is the question most efforts are focused on realizing, never mind the long term fallout or result. Here in the United States, we have experienced factory closures and relocations outside of the United States, layoffs, economic crises due to the stock market plummeting, higher taxes for the middle class, cost of living rising, etc. It seems the country is trying to recover great financial loss without replacing jobs that have been lost domestically with higher taxes on the people who have lost the most, the middle class. While corporations are busy opening up offices and factories in other countries in a bid to cut overhead costs and have better footing on Wall Street and with their global competitors. There are many advantages to a global economy for large organizations and nations as a whole. For instance, in the United States, corporations are able to do business with businesses with countries that have a low cost of labor. Some of the companies in countries where there are no child labor laws, minimum wage standards, or even sweat shops, are able to secure contracts with U.S. corporations for lower prices than factories and businesses within the U.S. can provide. In addition there are tax breaks for  doing business with certain nations. This is profitable for the corporations but devastating to the United States employees. The middle and lower class workforce on the blue collar level suffer because of lack of employment. Without employment, unemployment benefit payments rise, homes are lost, healthcare is unaffordable, higher education is unattainable, and poverty and crime increases. Unless citizens are able to tap into the information age and develop businesses that tie into e-commerce and self-employment, they are doomed. They cannot maintain the lifestyle they had before, they cannot afford to pay their taxes, and unless U.S. citizens can keep up the amount of taxes for both themselves and to make up the difference for the tax breaks given to the major corporations, the United States stands to run into larger deficit.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Information Systems In Business essays

Information Systems In Business essays The topic of computers in business is probably the broadest topic available to me. It covers every way that the computer affects the business world from computers used by businesses to the rapid rise of computer manufacturing businesses to the computers used by the customer at home to access web based businesses. I am also going to assume that in this instance the topic is limited to the use of PCs, as with the inclusion of, for example, the process control instrumentation used by an automobile manufacturer the scope of this essay would broaden to unmanageable proportions. The topic is open to a lot of interpretation as computers in business could be taken as How do computers affect the business world? the answer explaining the different sectors of business that have arisen as a direct result of the rise of computers for example the world of the solutions provider, which is climbing ever higher in the stock market, despite being nothing more than a group of third-party companies selling and maintaining bespoke packages of pre-made software to companies looking to revamp their systems. I could look at the rise of computer and software manufacture again a fast moving sector that is having more and more effect on the industrial climate, but my own interpretation of the title (given the module I am working for) would be closer to How essential to a business is a sound computer infrastructure, and how does this affect the businesses that use computers (with particular reference to e-commerce)?. To look at industries now, it may seem that the PC is everywhere, fully settled as the tool of choice for almost any application (just look at the depth of the scare perpetrated by the Millennium Bug two years ago), and yet comparing business computer use now to that over the last few years will show the use of computers still rising at an exponential rate showing clea...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

pch network design Essay

pch network design Essay pch network design Essay Abstract When starting a healthcare business there is so much that is entailed when it comes to the networks and what options are available and what may be the right fit for the certain company. When the needs are laid out, then it would be better to decide what networks would work best. This can be the most difficult challenge in the company as if the wrong choices are made then this can be more money out of their pocket. The networks really make the company is what it comes down to. Network Design â€Å"The backbone network structure for the entire hospital is 1000 BaseT† (University of Phoenix, 2011, 2013). â€Å"Individual sections of departmental networks such as Radiology use different standards such as 1000 BaseF† (University of Phoenix, 2011, 2013). â€Å"The entire hospital has a complete power backup system with automatic cutover to a large diesel motor generator set. Individual departments have local UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) as depicted on the individual department network diagrams†. The 1000 BaseT is the main functioning part of the departments that can add anything that the system may need to work there for the particular specialty. Many of the individual departments have the 1000 BaseF, and many have their own system linked into the 1000 BaseT network, but it is not guaranteed that you will find this in all of the departments. In the University of Phoenix simulation (2011, 2013), HIPAA is strictly enforced and al l patient data files are encrypted for storage using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) along with having the correct authorization to get into patient files. These systems work off of whatever it is that is beneficial for the particular department’s needs. The system that they have in place seems to be very efficient and effective in getting the job done for the needs of the hospital. â€Å"1000BaseT Ethernet, released as the IEEE 802.3ab standard, supports 1000 Mbps Ethernet (usually called Gigabit Ethernet) over Category 5 or higher UTP cable† (Tomsho, 2011, "Ethernet Standards"). 1000BaseT uses copper cables while 1000Base F uses fiber optic cables. Category 5 cable contains four wire pairs that allows 250 Mbps of data to be sent and received simultaneously in both directions across the wire pairs. A bandwidth of 1000 Mbps can be transmitted in each direction in full-duplex mode. 1000BaseT Ethernet is 100 times faster than standard Ethernet. Hybrids are used to combine multiple signals, while cancellers intercept interference. According to Tomsho (2011), upgrading to 1000BaseT is fairly simple because only NICs and switches that do not operate at 1000 Mbps need to be replaced not the entire cabling infrastructure. ("Ethernet Standards"). Gigabit Ethernet is most commonly used in LAN but it is also suitable for MAN because transmission takes place over fiber-optic cables. A downfall of this type of Ethernet is that it is susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) which can cause devices to malfunction. The telecommunications that are currently being used by Patton-Fuller Hospital provide communication between the hospital, its staff and patients. The systems that are used help integrate the operating of the hospital for the patients. This is done by faxing, coping and printing of the records when needed. The right staffing must be hired that is fully knowledgeable of what the hospital needs to provide patients with the best care. Proper training has to be available to keep staff up to date about their job titles by videos, current position information and any information on any improvements that need to be communicated to help operations run to their maximum capability. The telecommunication lines must be open and up to date to handle all areas that the hospital will need for their patients like internet availability to access medical records and billing when needed, and all information must have authorization before any information is given or received. There are rules and

Monday, November 4, 2019

Competing SBU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Competing SBU - Essay Example This paper will focus on three of its business units namely Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking (ESSN), Personal Systems Group (PSG) and HP Software, HP Financial Services (HPFS). The ESSN business unit concentrates on the provision of server, storage as well as networking products within a range of categories. The Converged Infrastructure portfolio of the Company in terms of servers, storage coupled with networking together with Cloud Service Automation software suite by the HP Software business unit form the CloudSystem of HP. Such an integrated solution comes in handy in enabling clients within the enterprise and service department in the delivery of infrastructure platform in technology. This means that the Industry Standard Servers develop the basic entry-levels as well as ProLiant servers (mid-range) that run Windows, Novell and Linux operating systems and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel Corporation (Intel) processors (Pham-Gia, 2009). The overall business spans o f this scope of the product line include the pedestal-tower servers as well as the density-optimized rack servers within the BladeSystem family of HP in terms of the server blades. The PSG business unit provides calculators, commercial personal computers, workstations, consumer PCs and related accessories, services and software for the consumer and commercial markets. The unit collects commercial workstations, commercial notebooks and desktops into consumer notebooks and commercial clients and consumer desktops for their clients. The main products of these elements include Commercial PCs such as the HP EliteBook and the HP ProBook lines of notebooks. Also, there are Compaq Elite, Compaq Pro, HP Elite and HP Pro lines of the business desktops coupled with the HP Mini-Note PCs, retail POS systems, Omni and TouchSmart PCs, HP Slate Tablet and HP Thin Clients PCs (House & Price, 2009). The HPFS business unit supports HP's service and product solutions on a global scale towards providing a comprehensive scope of financial management services in its life cycle. The HPFS is an enabler of worldwide customers into the acquisition of IT solutions such as hardware, software and services. This means that the Company will offer financing, leasing, utility programs coupled with asset recovery services in terms of financial asset management services to enterprise and global customers. HPFS also avails a wide array of specialized financial services to SMBs and governmental and educational entities. One of the strengths of Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking (ESSN) is that the economy of the world keeps growing steadily every year. For this reason, such growing economies come in handy in accelerating corporate expenditure where HP is positioned to continue benefiting. The business unit has in turn increased the levels of investments in the global markets while still expanding the product as well as service offerings with special regard to its enterprise services and bus iness divisions. The divisions provide most products on a profitable scale for cloud computing services as well as enterprise solutions. However, a major weakness of Personal Systems Group (PSG) is that strategic expansion into diverse markets could result in stronger competition against the products of the business in the future (Pham-Gia, 2009). This is based on the fact

Friday, November 1, 2019

Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Obesity - Essay Example Children spend little or no time outside playing and running around because of video games. The pharmaceutical companies provide the population with pills to lose weight and this increases passive lifestyle because psychologically people will always choose swallowing pill over exercises because it’s easy (Flegal et al., 2010). I strongly believe that lifestyle and environmental factors are the major causes and it can be seen that from 1980 the breakthrough in modern technologies in all spheres of life. The dietary habit of people changed as fast foods replaced home foods; people adopted the consumption of fast foods which contain a lot of calories and sugars. This saves time and sometimes money but in reality it comes with serious health consequences. The spread of fast food like wildfire led to increase consumption of high calories and increase in machinery reduced physical activities, in the big picture children spend more time indoors with video games and eating high fatty foods which leads to obesity and the same is seen in adults who spend so much time working. The consumption of fast food relieves them of the â€Å"stress† of cooking and putting into account decrease in physical activities due to machinery. In the developing countries where western lifestyle is being adopted it’s seen that obesity is also increasing. To turn the trend of obesity certain measures need be taken, such as 1) encouraging physical exercises 2) control of appetite by educating the people on the dangers of unhealthy eating, 3) regulating the activities of fast food companies and 4) building of parks and providing free outdoor exercise facilities (Flegal et al., 2010). I will advise him to firstly decrease the consumption of high calorie intake especially in fast food and increase intake of vegetables and fruits, control of appetite and try to exercise at least 3 times in a week with the intensity of the exercise increasing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

AIDS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AIDS - Essay Example This disease has been marked as the second most frequent pathological condition across the globe which has highlighted the fact that this condition is not restricted to a particular region but follows a global pattern. It has been labeled as the first most common cause of death in Africa where it has been reported to lead to more than 20 percent of the deaths in this particular region. Following the identification of the disease, it has been known to result in greater than 20 million deaths across the world. International health organizations have noted the severity of the issue and the World Health Organization put forward the fact that 39.4 million people had AIDS or they had a present infection with human immunodeficiency virus in the year 2004 (Davidson et al 2009). The region of Africa has the highest number of people with this disease and 70 percent of the total AIDS patients belong to this region. The United States of America also has a large number of people suffering from th e disease and in the year 2002, it was analyzed that 900,000 residents of the country had the disease. The disease serves as a grave problem in the country as it has been analyzed to be the second life taking reason amongst the males of the age group of 25 to 44 years in the country. Young children are also not spared and in the year 2002, it was found out that 800,000 more children were affected with this pathology which may result due to passing of the virus from the mother to the child during birth or via breast feeding from infected mothers (Robbins et al 2005). Thus it can be seen that a very large number of people are affected with this condition but many people avoid presenting their problems owing to the stigma associated with this condition. Thesis: AIDS is a global problem which affects a large number of people and these people should be helped and societies should be created to assist these individuals. The stigma associated with this condition is unjustified as the patie nts suffering from AIDS are like other patients who require help and assistance to overcome their condition. Support: Jonathon Mann who was the director of the Global AIDS Program of the World Health Organization for this syndrome in the year 1987 already created insight into the stigmatizing aspect of AIDS. He explained that overcoming the social response associated with AIDS was extremely important in tackling the issue of AIDS across the world. This problem associated with the condition of AIDS was again highlighted in the year 2000 by Peter Piot who was the executive director of UNAIDS. The stigma and the way the patients are treated negatively further increases the suffering of the people who have AIDS. These patients avoid coming forward owing to the fact that they might be labeled in a negative manner (Parker 2002). It has been analyzed that the morals of the people who suffer from AIDS are questioned. An incident of a gynecologist who was suffering from AIDS is a very good e xample of this stigma. The doctor was widely publicized in the media and was criticized for risking the health of the patients who might be affected with the disease. A major stigma associated

Monday, October 28, 2019

Final Exam - Latest Essay Example for Free

Final Exam Latest Essay 1) When a manager makes use of a SWOT analysis, one of his or her objectives is to 2) 2) A company that wants to distinguish itself from the competition in the marketplace is most likely using which of the following strategies? 3) 3) An organization’s ________ goals are official statements of what an organization says its goals are. 4) 4) When planning for unexpected events, a company is using which of the following techniques? 5) 5) The ________ determines the number of levels and managers in an organization. 6) 6) Which of the following is a characteristic of an organic organization? 7) Which of the following is a characteristic of a matrix organization? 8) Searching for new ideas beyond an organization’s boundaries and allowing changes to easily transfer inward and outward is known as ________. 9) Which of the following stages is when the group structure is in place and accepted by the group members? 10) Conflicts can be resolved by satisfying one’s own needs at the expense of others. This conflict- management technique is known as ________. 11) Which of the following statements is true about group decision making? 12) According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and the roles of group members to meet goals? 13) Which leadership theory is derived from the belief that a leader’s job is to remove pitfalls and roadblocks so followers can achieve their work goals? 14) If Carol Reece is a charismatic leader, which of the following characteristics is she most likely to possess? 15) Indira Patel has been working in her organization’s computer security department for the past 10Â  years. If another employee follows Indira’s recommendations in a given situation, based on her expertise in computer security, which source of power is Indira using? 16) Melvin manages a team of 10 employees, including Jane and Jared. Jared is leaving the organization to find a job as a manager in another field. Meanwhile, due to performance issues, Melvin terminates Jane’s employment with the company. Both of these are examples of what type of employee behavior? 17) Thomas often annoys his coworkers with his talkativeness and assertive personality. According to the Big Five Model of personality, Thomas would be described as high in the trait of 18) Kelly is interviewing candidates to fill a vacancy on her team. One candidate has a degree from a prestigious university, and Kelly is impressed. In speaking with her fellow members of the interview panel, however, Kelly finds that no one else enjoyed the interview with the candidate, finding her to be pompous, aggressive, and self-serving. In her focus on only the candidate’s education, Kelly may have fallen victim to 19) It is crucial to determine an acceptable _____ during the comparing step in the control process. 20) If a manager rationalizes that he or she does not have time to investigate the source of a problem and instead resorts to putting out fires, the manager is missing the use of 21) Why are feedforward controls more rarely implemented as compared to other types of controls?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Movie Analysis of Grease Essay -- Papers

Movie Analysis of Grease In this paper I am going to write about the movie â€Å"Grease.† Specifically, on the two main characters Sandy and Danny. I will be describing and analyzing their interpersonal communication, but mainly on the conflict of their communication. At the beginning they Sandy & Danny start off with a great relationship. They meet at the beach during summer break. Thinking they would never see each other again they went their separate ways. But Sandy ends up moving and goes to the same high school as Danny. They don’t know that the other is at the same school until Rizzo, one of the â€Å"pink ladies† introduces them to on another at the football pep rally. This is when all the conflict starts. Danny and Sandy are so excited to see each other, but all of sudden Danny changes his tone of voice, as well as attitude toward Sandy. Sandy is taken back by the way Danny is acting. She asks him, â€Å"What is wrong with you?† Then he replies â€Å"What’s the matter with me, What’s the matter with you?† Going on she calls him a fake and a phony and says she wishes she never laid eyes on him. The T-Birds, Danny’s friends start giving Danny a hard time about Sandy. So in a nutshe ll he treats her like she is just an ordinary person and not a girl that he cares for. On one day Sandy is at the local restaurant with a guy that happens to run track and Danny keeps watching her. When Sandy goes to the juke box she walks by Danny and does not acknowledge his existence. Danny then approaches Sandy and begins to give her a hard time about the guy that she is with. Sandy is very short with Danny and does not let on that she is upset. Danny then decides for Sandy to notice him that he needs to become athletic, so he starts try... ...e a lot, showing that she was committed to their relationship and tolerated their differences. Once or twice she used the voice response. When she was trying to find out about the girl he says he never dated, she continually brought it up for they could talk about it. I feel that this conflict was good, due to it helped them both grow and strengthen their relationship. It helped them both realize that they can change how they act towards one another and well as say what they really mean and to be open about how they feel for one another. I think that it was great how the two of them went for the Win-Win strategy to accommodate for the other. In all I feel that Danny and Sandy noticed not only by communicating but also by facial gestures as to what the other was thinking and how each of them could change to get to a compromise and go on with their relationship.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

It’s Time to Toughen the Laws on Teen Drivers :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

It’s Time to Toughen the Laws on Teen Drivers      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Turning sixteen years old in teenagers' lives is an exciting event. It allows them to get a drivers license and is a big step towards adulthood.   With this, it gives them freedom and control over something they have never experienced before.   In most cases, people stress about gangs, drugs, and violence in our communities as a big result of teenage deaths, but the leading causes of accidents today are teenage drivers, especially sixteen and seventeen year olds.   Maria Purdy, an author for "Teen Magazine", writes about statistics with young teenage drivers.   She sites that, "To equal the number of youths killed in motor vehicle crashes in 1995, a plane with 520 people on board would have to crash with no survivors once a month for a full year" (online).   Legislators should pass a law changing the drivers licensing age to eighteen instead of sixteen.   By doing this, it could decrease driving problems we face today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In most European Countries, teenagers aren't able to earn a license until they are at least seventeen or eighteen years old.   There have been less fatal crashes among teens in these countries because of this.   Cheryl Tevis who wrote an article in the "Successful Farming" magazine, writes about American teenagers compared to other teenagers around the world.   She states that "American teens drive at an earlier age than those in most countries" (online).   This is not surprising to me since there are some states that have allowed teenagers to drive at age fourteen in some circumstances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the most part, sixteen and seventeen year olds don't realize the importance and responsibility that comes when getting a drivers license.   They feel it is something to play around with and don't take it seriously.   For instance, immaturity is a cause of being   irresponsible.   Because of this there are many accidents that happen that could have been prevented.   Allan F. Williams, an author for "Public Health Reports" writes about the characteristics all teenagers have in common.   He observes that "Qualities generally associated with immaturity (such as chance taking, testing limits, poor decision-making, overconfidence) are associated with the more risky driving styles characteristic of teenage drivers" (online).   Almost half of the accidents today caused by teenagers were linked to peer pressure and immaturity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Often, in teenagers' lives, they look towards their friends for advice and guidance rather than their teachers, parents, and others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Of Mice And Men Curley’s wife Essay

â€Å"Well, stick around and keep your eyes open. You’ll see plenty. She ain’t concealin nothing. I never seen nobody like her. She got the eye goin’ all the time on everybody. I bet she gives the stable buck the eye. I don’t know what the hell she wants†. Discuss the way in which you as a reader respond to Steinbeck’s presentation of Curley’s wife. You need to look closely at the way in which he uses language to achieve effect. Steinbeck in his book â€Å"Of mice and men† has predominantly used animals to present the other side of human beings that is normally found in animals. He clearly brought in the common characteristics of animals that are possessed by men and each character in this book gives the imagery of an animal. For the purpose of this assignment we shall explore the various characteristics and methods that the writer uses to describe Curley’s wife. â€Å"Well, stick around and keep your eyes open. You’ll see plenty. She ain’t concealin nothing. I never seen nobody like her. She got the eye goin’ all the time on everybody. I bet she gives the stable buck the eye. I don’t know what the hell she wants†. The writer has made use of language in several occasions to draw meaning and give more sense to the piece of work and the most notable and obvious is the kind of language used which is so casual and local portraying the setting where the characters are acting in as well as their status in the society. The use of the phrase † I never seen nobody like her† in the above opening quotation is really non standard English that possibly points at the level of education of the characters and their role in the society and clearly demonstrates that they are really casuals in a farm though they have endeavored to dream for a better future. The writer has made use of figures of speech in reference to Curley’s wife and in that effect has brought about her true character in this book. He has mainly used metaphors in chapter four in reference to Curley’s wife. Curley’s wife came to look for her husband in place where Crooks and George were having some discussions the writer described her as follows: â€Å"her face was heavily made up and her lips slightly parted†. This was just an indirect reference to her frustrations and increasing concerns about her husband which the writer described using her appearance. Another metaphor just in the same chapter is the description of her gesture at the men whom she found there and her perception of them. The writer says that † her eyes traveled from one face to another† which basically referred to her looking at the men who were there at that time that she considered weak and useless and this was a major source of conflict with other characters as they perceived her as a trouble maker. Her description of Candy as a â€Å"funny thing† is equally metaphoric and points at her disregard for men and how tough she was on men that she considered to be only confident while they were in groups, but could not make any statement as an individual. As she continued to look at the men, after provoking them she realized that â€Å"all their faces were closed against her† meaning that nobody among all the men were interested in listening to her or hearing anything from her. In her argument with the men she reached a point that she became defensive of her husband, that all the other men were accusing and in that effect she refers to them as â€Å"a bunch of bindle stiffs† possibly referring them as people who are quite traditional and against the advice of women and therefore making them feminists. This was a perfect example of similes as under normal circumstances men cannot be compared with bindles. She also goes ahead to compare them with the sheep that are known to be stiff naked. Curley’s wife remains a unique character in this book as she is the only woman in the book that is dominated by men and as such she has become a victim of circumstances and is seen to suffer from all kinds of oppression leveled against her by the men. She depicts the negative picture of women in a male sexist society where women have no place and are only known for their destructive tendencies. She is often referred to as â€Å"trampt†,’bitch† and â€Å"tart† which basically qualifiers her as a destructive character and one who destabilizes the status of men in that society. As a female character in a group dominated by men she will obviously be expected to support her own rights and this she does alone but the male characters in this book would rather prefer to gag her and ensure that she remains under their command. She has also proved to be a very sharp character in this play that is more human and interactive than any other character in this book . Her behavior and character therefore tries to tackle the challenges that the females are really facing in the modern society in their efforts to break the barriers set by male chauvinists. Being the only women in the story clearly points out at the gender insensitivity that still exists and ignorance of the role that the females can play in the society especially in decision making. This is also an indicator of continued male domination in major activities in the society. However her persistence in trying to match the males who are the majority in this setting is a positive move in promoting equality and it is also a clear sign that change can come and the status can be abolished. The use of personification is also evident in this book in the same chapter where as Curley’s wife disappeared the writer explains that the â€Å"halter chains rattled and some horse snorted and some stamped their feet† this is in clear reference to the relieve that her disappearance brought to the men whom are referred as horses in that quotation. Another personification can be witnessed in her second coming and discussion with Lenny where she refers to the â€Å"pup† as like a human being, by saying that â€Å"He is dead†. She also uses flashback in her discussion with Lennie and showing her other side of being a very humble and hospitable lady with a lot of talents and even shows what she could manage if given time. A show came through and I met one of the actors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The writer has therefore made use of figures of speech like metaphors, similes, flashbacks and personifications in portraying the characters of Curley’s wife and illustrates her as a strong woman who has positively represented women as a whole in the novel, with main emphasis in chapter 4 and 5 of the book. Curley’s wife has demonstrated herself as a strong woman who is not willing to negotiate her honesty and true feeling for anything. Her kind nature is clearly brought by the fact that she is willing to listen and understand the problems of the low class citizens of the society like Lennie; who are incidentally grouped in the same category of women and given all sorts of names like infirm, old, rejected, feeble and lifeless; but they are able to develop a unique bond that arises from their circumstances. Therefore Curley’s wife represents women as people who are social and can get along with almost everybody, unlike men who lack this trait. Females are therefore lowly rated by males yet they have enormous potentials that even men cannot match.