Friday, October 18, 2019

Accessing Water Between Urban Individuals and Bedouins in Saudi Arabia Essay

Accessing Water Between Urban Individuals and Bedouins in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example As a result, it was able to drill thousands of deep tube wells in the most promising areas for both domestic and agricultural use (Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia). In addition, Saudi Arabia is a desert country with no lakes or rivers and very little rainfall of about 500 mm per year. Moreover, the population is increasing at a high rate hence the increase in the demand for water. Nonetheless, to meet the demand the government in conjunction with water department has employed water distribution systems to enable accessing high quality and clean drinking water. Therefore, this paper aims discuss access of water between the metropolitan individual and Bedouins. From the experiences of both Bedouin’s area and the metropolitan city, there is a significant different in terms water access and water availability. Firstly, the urban dwellers drink water that has been recycled either from a river or the ocean. Most of the water transmission in the urban area is through the pipes from the main distribution center. The piped water is treated using disinfectants and, therefore, healthy and safe for drinking and for domestic uses. The water that serves the urban dwellers comes from the different sources. For instance, water extraction from the sea through desalination and the aquifers well that store water in underground forms the primary sources of water to urban dwellers. The urban individual mostly depends on the modern technology to carry out most of their tasks including pumping the water to their places of residence. They use the electrical power driven machine to pump water to their door steps. This kind of distribution method makes the access of water accessible. In addition, there is the Ministry water that through the water company ensures that urban residents acquire clean disinfected water. The ministry allocates

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